Product Range

Affordable quality

A special feature of the TAD Pharma packaging is a coloured informative indication strip, vertically put on the left side of the packaging.

Each therapeutic group has its own colour: red for cardiovascular system and metabolism, blue for gastroenterology, yellow for urology, and dark green for neurology and psychiatry. Clearly labelled therapeutic groups, dosage forms and pack sizes contribute to product safety and better compliance.

In addition to the more traditional dosage forms, such as tablets and suppositories, the broad TAD Pharma product range also includes products based on modern drug delivery systems, such as patches, providing the patient with a more convenient way of treatment.

As a producer of high quality generics, TAD Pharma is focused on:

Prescription pharmaceuticals

Gastroenterology, Pain, Other
Urology, Central nervous system, Cardiovascular

The leading prescription pharmaceuticals are:

Clopidogrel TAD (clopidogrel)
Pantoprazole TAD (pantoprazole)
Galnora (galantamine)
Esomeprazole TAD (esomeprazole)
Corvo (enalapril)
Candecor (candesartan)
Candecor comp. (candesartan HCTZ)
Ralnea (ropinirole)
Quentiax (quetiapine)
Memando (memantine)

Non-prescription pharmaceuticals

Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular (Diagram), Urology, Other

Please note that the a.m. products represent only an extract from our current portfolio. Please contact us to get our full list of products.